Beauty & the Blog - video, lifestyle, beauty, and a blog -

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Beauty Of Confidence

As a woman, heck as a human, I have my fair share of insecurities. It's something we learn living in a society built on image and status, but it's also something we unwillingly accept from judgements passed on to us from others. Something I always try to teach my daughter is that the the one thing you can wear everyday, the one thing only you can give yourself, the most beautiful accessory, is confidence. "Confidence and being comfortable are things you can see on the outside when you feel them on the inside." - Carrie Underwood 

I heard this quote from the ever beautiful (on the inside and on the outside) Carrie Underwood. If you know me than you know I love country music. I like LOOOOOOVE it. I bought Carrie's first album after she won American Idol back in 2005...whew time flies! And I love her, I love what she stands for, I love her voice, and most importantly, I love what uses her voice for. She conveys love, confidence, and empowerment to her listeners, to women, and I respect that she hasn't let the industry change her. 

This campaign is sponsored by Almay who recently named Carrie as their latest ambassador, and I think that says a lot about the brand. Usually when a celebrity personality and a brand team up, you hear the celebrity say things that are out of character for them.  So I was pleasantly surprised to read and hear Carrie's words in her own....words, on what she thinks makes a woman truly beautiful and why she chose Almay. 

I'll share with you the video of her that I'm talking about, just click here. I've always loved her, I really enjoy her music, and I find it really lovely that she remains true to her own brand, still inspiring, still giving words of encouragement, and still doing what she loves. This video made me think about my own definition of beauty so here goes. 

Beauty is something that everyone possesses. Most people think of beauty and what comes to mind for them initially, is the esthetically pleasing kind. Yes, outer beauty is indeed beautiful. But 'looks' fade with age, everyone is beautiful when they are young, what makes you beautiful as you go through life and age in years and in experience, is just that. Experiences. Your thoughts, your dreams, your words, your feelings, all make you beautiful because they make you an individual. 

No one can take away what makes you beautiful, you can only add to it. I, like most women love makeup and clothes, and perfumes, and all things girls, and though they enhance my personality and my features, they don't make me beautiful. My ability to love unconditionally, the way I've raised my daughter, my loyalty to my friends, my honesty with myself, and my big ol' cheesy heart make me me. I like that. 

This video provoked me to feel these things so I'm sharing them with you. It's been a hectic few weeks but I wanted to say hello and that you are not forgotten, and that you too are beautiful!

So tell me what you think makes someone beautiful, how is beauty defined to you, thank you for reading and I'll be back here soon. And thank you to Almay for having me a part of this campaign, I truly am inspired by this beauty:




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