Beauty & the Blog - video, lifestyle, beauty, and a blog -

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Inspiration, goals, and 2015!!!

New year, new beginnings, new goals. We're all setting them so lets share what our goals are and any updates..... accountability is everything! So here are some goals of mine for this year and you can crack the whip on me if I slack up on one of them:

  • 3 blog posts a week (alternating 6 of my most passionate topics)
  • stick to it (anything and everything and this includes being active)
  • family time (and me time, this is necessary and I should do more of this)
  • a video a week on my YouTube channel and Beauty channel
  • read more (20 minutes before bed each night)
  • give time to my friends (dedicate time each week to empower another friend of mine)
So share with me what your goals are this year, if you have a blog, the name of it so I can check in with you, and where you draw the most inspiration. I'm inspired by different things every day and today it was my daughter coming home from school and asking me to paint with her. She inspires me to be creative. In the drawing world and even though I suck at it, she makes me feel so talented!

Updates: My app (in the app store and totally free!) is going through some awesome updates and new features are rolling out each month. Download it if you haven't and join our community of creatives! 

My home screen and this face 

Some of the content you'll see in the app

The login page, which will be changed to our logo, the Encourage, Empower, Inspire infinity circle

Hope to see you in the app and hearing your goals for this year! Have a beautiful week! 

xoxo- Jess

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