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Monday, October 13, 2014

Meal prep made easy! Dessert for breakfast!

Dessert for breakfast...psshh how many times have you heard that and then the recipe calls for flax seed (which I don't like) and gross protein or raw egg whites. No thank you, I'd rather have ice cream for breakfast, a real dessert. There are many ways I can actually justify having ice cream for breakfast but instead I'll share with you my recipe for proats (protein oats) that is delicious, nutritious, and takes all of 60 seconds to prep! Bam, you wake up with breakfast already made and ready to go!

I usually make 5 or 6 of these jars so that I can have enough for the week or enough for Joe and Corrine. Both my boyfriend and my 16 year old daughter love these proats and eat mine if I don't make enough. You can add whatever variation you choose, or how ever you decide to portion out your oats but I portion out these amounts so that it fits my personal meal plan. 

So in a mason jar, or jug, or sealable container, drop in your rolled oats, I just use old fashioned oats about 1/4 cup for myself and 1/2 cup for Joe since he's a man and loves to eat both his and my proats if I don't make enough. Then I put in half of a scoop of protein powder, this is a whey protein we got at whole foods and it's flavorless- my favorite kind, and I only use half since I don't feel the need to over do it on protein. Then I add in 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of chia seeds, 1 teaspoon of PB2 (powdered peanut butter- more protein but I do it for the yummy flavor), and then lastly I pour in enough almond milk to saturate and cover the mixture. I place the top on the jar and shake it up a good 8, 9 times and then pop it in the fridge over night. 

I don't pour in the milk unless I know it will get eaten in the morning since it's all dry ingredients if I don't use it then I will just store it for the week until I'm ready to pour in the milk and have it for breakfast. This is an awesome on the go breakfast, protein packed to jump start your day and/or your morning workout, tastes like Christmas, and for me is so much better than warm oatmeal. Though that is a staple for warm weather! 

I even sometimes use coconut milk whatever I have in the refrigerator, a drizzle of agave if I'm craving the sweet, and when I'm feeling crazyyyy I'll throw in a dash of nutmeg and a tablespoon of dried unsweetened coconut flakes! Omg can you say amazing! This really is the most delicious meal prepping I've ever done, with the consistency of a parfait, and the nutritional benefits of a hearty breakfast. Try it out and let me know what you think and what alterations you make to the recipe!

Fall season is upon us so I'll be adding in pumpkin flavored everything soon! 

Happy Monday to you and I hope the week treats you amazing!



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