Beauty & the Blog - video, lifestyle, beauty, and a blog -

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Silk Peel - youthful and glowing skin

Why yes, that IS me in the photo above! Phhhh I wish! No, really, I have aging skin. Boom, there I said it. I'll admit it dammit, I'm no spring chicken. I'm raising a sixteen year old, and I have student loan debt, AND the California sun to age me and drain suck the collagen right out of my skin!

Luckily, I do about umteen trillion things to my skin daily and I will share my secrets with you here because lets face it, we are all going to age. We are all going to get old but I'll be damned if I don't slow the process as much as I can until I wake up as Freddy Krueger one day! 

So the silk peel.... first let me tell ya, I've done all the peels. Salicylic acid peels, at home peels, pineapple enzyme, dermadoctor, blah blah, all of them. 

Then I saw on Instagram some glowing bomb shell on the popular page with her skin just oozing youth and glow and I was like okay what is she doing to her skin because she looks young - hey if you're young, you're like a fetus and have plump beautiful skin! 

She was holding up a bottle that looked like coconut water with pulp in it, then proceeded to explain that it was her skin! IN the bottle, after a silk peel. Ewwwww! I mean wow! So naturally I googled it! haha. NO really I did and then I took it a step further and called my nearest dermatology skin center to make an appointment to try this sucker out. Yes, it sounds crazy I know.

Apparently, the skin peel works with microdermabrasion so that it exfoliates your skin and at the same time infuses it with a serum. 

The serum stimulates new cell growth guys! Aka collagen, aka plumper younger looking skin, aka omgyes! I didn't know about any of this until I researched it a bit and then when I went in for my peel I asked a bazillion questions. 

I was given the hydrating serum since my skin is like the Sahara desert and refuses to even create oil. The whole facial / peel, took about 30 minutes and it was relaxing and not painful at all. I never get professional facials or skin care treatments done because 1) they're expensive and 2) I'm afraid it'll be painful or cause more damage. 

But honestly I would do this again, I bought two more peels (you can find steal on Groupon or Living Social otherwise they run about $150 a pop and no thank you for that price!) and I'll go again in about 3 weeks, maybe this time I'll add an oxygen treatment or collagen booster because what the hell. 

I don't have horrible skin, but it's definitely dry, it's definitely aging, and the peel made my skin softer and made it visibly more hydrated and plump. I had a lil glow going on and the pores on my cheeks were smaller, not that it was even a big deal to me, I just want my raisins for skin cells to become full blown grapes again. Also, according to the sites I've been reading, this peel is great for acne, wrinkles, sun spots, and dryness. My goal is to prevent gravity from taking me down so that's why I did it.

But hell, if someone told me to put manure on my face to keep it young, I'm pretty sure I would. Secretly. And then blog about it. 

So this is my face below from earlier today. I had the silk peel done yesterday. No filters in this photo, to my dismay, just the light from my big ass window, and some mascara. Because I'm human and had to do human things today that made me not want to go for a 3rd day without makeup on. But other than that it's bare, and as you can see I have some discoloration going on but that's what all this skin care stuff is supposed to fix, so we'll see what I look like in 12 years. For now I feel glowy and girly and I like that. I did this for me and there should be no other reason you do anything. Tell everyone to suck it if they think you're getting old. 

That's it for today, good night world <3 

xoxo - Jess

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